Stepney Park have been Trying New Things

We are so proud to share how well the new year has begun at Stepney Park and how we Try New Things
Year 6 - Chris N's class
Year 6 have enjoyed several new experiences in the first couple of weeks of term.
We really enjoyed our first ukulele lesson last week. We learned how to hold the instrument correctly and how to pluck the strings to make a good sound. We learnt that the four strings are called G, C, E and A. We were very surprised to find that after plucking the G string, the next note, the C, was a lower pitch. We expected it to be a higher pitch.
We have been reading some really exciting new books. Rayhan has enjoyed the first book in the ‘Time Riders’ series, Hoorain raced through ‘The boy at the back of the Class’ and Emad couldn't stop reading ‘The Recruit’, an action adventure about children who are spies! 6 Pine have also been enjoying their class book, ‘The House with Chicken Legs’. It is a moving story about a girl who helps her grandmother guide the spirits of the dead into the afterlife. However, she just wants to be a normal child and have friend to play with.
Saeem has been discovering gardening on the roof! Look what he found in the containers when he was digging through the soil!
Year 1 - Ruji's class
In Year 1 we have had a great start to the year. We have been exploring our learning environment both inside and outside. This includes how to walk around the school environment safely in a respectful manner. We have learnt how to log on and use chromebooks as well as carrying it safely down the stairs.
We have had the opportunity to try out new things like playing outside and using the climbing frame safely.
Children love going down the pole pretending to be firefighters!
Year 5 - Thahlima's class
In Year 5 we have been trying lots of new things this month. The most exciting thing is … swimming! We have just started taking swimming lessons and for a lot of us this is our first time. We walked to Mile End leisure centre and our swimming lesson took place there.
At first we were very nervous, but it was a lot of fun and our instructors were very kind and friendly. We can't wait for our next swimming lesson!
Mile end leisure centre
Reception - Abi's Class
We have been having so much fun settling into Reception this week! We have welcomed back old friends and made new ones.
We are learning to be independent and have been having a go, trying lots of new things, just like Taibah the Tiger. Here are some photos of us trying new and exciting things like eating our lunch in the dinner hall, riding a 2 wheeled bike and climbing to the top of the climbing frame!
Year 4 - Sarah G's class
4 Pine have been trying lots of new things the past few weeks! In Science we have tried two new experiments. The first one we did involved putting beans in a bag with cotton wool to see the bean germinating. We also put cardboard shapes on leaves and we will observe what happens as a result.
In English the children have been learning about a new set of poems called ‘Old Possum's Books of Practical Cats’ by T.S. Elliot. We tried out new ways to learn a poem off by heart; we tried using actions and repetition.
At home the children have been trying lots of new things. Some children having been reading new books, others have been trying a new sport such as badminton and volleyball!
Nursery 1 - Nadia’s Class
This week, the nursery children have been settling into nursery and trying new things!
We made and played with play dough to strengthen our fingers.
We have shared new toys with other children.
We’re getting to know our new teachers and we’re starting to make new friends.
Starting school when you’re three can be challenging but it can also be very fun!
Year 3 - Dee's Class
In year 3 we have been learning about our new learning behaviours. We have been focusing on trying new things in 3 Pine.
It's been a very interesting start to the new year as we are in a new building and on the top floor. We have been looking at place value in our maths lessons and learning new ways to record our working out in our maths books. We have all been really successful with that.
In PE we are learning to play hockey. This is our first time, so we were all very eager to have a try even if it was all new to us!
In music this week we were learning a poem and adding actions to it to help us remember the order of the poem.
Year 2
We have been trying lots of new things in 2 Pine already. New teacher, new classroom and a new part of the playground- wow!
In English we are reading a new story called Into the Forest by Anthony Browne. It’s about a little boy who goes for a walk in a magical forest to see his grandma. On the way he meets lots of fairy tale characters like Goldilocks and Hansel and Gretel.
Here we are with our learning partners ordering each part of the story.
We also tried out new ways of mark making using charcoal to draw the boy’s journey in the strange forest.
Look how Zuriyah and Rizwana have smudged their charcoal to make the forest come to life.
Aleena used lots of different marks on the trunk of her trees to make the bark look realistic.