Discover the great collaboration across the school

Children across Stepney Park continue to develop their learning behaviours. Take a look at how they collaborate just like Colin the Clown Fish!
Year Three
This week in 3 Pine, we have been working collaboratively on a range of things in class. We worked collaboratively in PE as we are learning how to pass the ball correctly in Netball. We select our own groups and work together as we practice all the skills we have been learning in our PE lessons.
In our Science continuous provision a group helped me plant bulbs and everyone is responsible for watering and looking after the class plants. We spoke about what plants need to grow: food, light and water. We hope that they will flower after we come back from our 2 week holiday in December.
During RE we learn about 3 different religions, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. We are busy sorting out key facts that we learnt about in each religion. We had a turn to read a statement and then as a group decide what religion to belong to.
This week has been very exciting as it's been our DT week. We learnt all about paper circuits. Our end project was to make a card with a LED light that works using a push switch. We have had plenty of opportunities to practice how to make switches with an LED that works when you push it. After lots of trial and error we have been successful!
In Reception we have been working together and collaborating, just like Colin the Clownfish!
We have been learning about shapes in our environment and went on a shape hunt in the woodlands. Together with our friends we searched for different shapes and talked about what we found.
We have been learning about the story ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff.’ In the outdoor area we worked together to build our own bridge with the community blocks. We showed great teamwork, listening to each other’s ideas, sharing and helping each other.
Once our bridge was built we used it to retell the story of the Billy Goats Gruff. We pretended to be the Bad Tempered Troll who lived under the bridge and said, “who’s that trip trapping over my bridge?”. We took turns to be the different characters in the story.
We also used our eggs from our chickens to work together to bake some yummy cupcakes! Delicious!
Year Six
In 6 Pine, we know that the word collaboration means working together. We have been focusing on being collaborative both in our learning and around the school. Most of the time we think that we are quite a collaborative bunch!
Here are a few recent examples of us working collaboratively in class:
In hockey, we have worked well as teams to develop our defending and attacking skills. This has made our matches much more exciting as we are better playing as one team rather than working separately within the team.
In DT we have been designing and making kites constructed from tetrahedrons. This was a complicated task and as you can see in the photos, we only succeeded because we worked collaboratively with our partner.
We enjoy sharing the books we have read. Here are the latest books that some of us are recommending. Sumaiya loved ‘Anisha, Accidental Detective’ ; Yameen raced through ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Dog Days’; Babacar is loving the ‘Harry Potter’ series and Iqram has recently discovered the ‘SpyDog’ books. Liyana has started the ‘Cogheart’ series and she says that the second book, Moon Locket, is even better than the first one!
Year Two
We have been practising our amazing partner work and collaboration in Design and technology. We were learning all about structures and how to make them strong.
Our first challenge was to make towers with paper cups in a team.
The first had a narrow base and fell down really easily. It was not stable at all! The next tower was a bit more stable as it had a wider base, but it was still wobbly. Look at what happened to Rizwana’s and Hanifa’s!
The most stable tower had a very wide base. Have a look at some we made in our groups.
We even made bridges out of sugar cubes with our learning partners. This was really tricky as the bridge’s arch kept falling down. We had to work together to hold it up and do great listening to each other. Although it was challenging, no one gave up!
Year Five
This term, Year 5 have been learning to play the Ukulele. We have been working alongside our music tutor Richard. We have been learning to play different notes and forms chords, and collaborating together to play them at the same time to form a beautiful sound.
In Art, we have been working with aluminium wires to create spherical shapes. We learnt to bend and cut wire to create round shapes. We needed to collaborate with our partners to ensure that all the wires were neatly secured.
Year One
Over the past few weeks 1 Willow has been collaborating in a wide variety of learning. Collaboration -working with someone to produce something- has improved and supported our learning.
We collaborated on building towers in DT. We shared our ideas and then took it in turns to use resources and help each other.
We worked together to make an impressive sound in drumming. We had to make sure we kept time together and watch the teacher carefully.
We worked together to make constructive comments about our artwork - listening carefully and sharing our opinions.
Year Four
4 Pine have been working collaboratively to create a piece of music based on a poem about a season. The children worked together to decide which instruments to use and then they chose how to perform their poem as a group.
The children felt pride in their efforts to collaborate and share their performance as a group.
In R.E the children worked collaboratively to come up with some questions to ask a vicar about Christianity.
She was impressed by the in depth questions they asked and their focus and engagement.
In Nursery, we are learning how to collaborate with other children and adults. Sometimes, this can mean tolerating delay and learning to take turns.
This can mean helping our friends and asking for help in return.
Working together to solve problems and learn new things