The last week of learning from home!!

Pupils have been working so hard at home to apply their Learning Powers! Check out our learning across the school in the Pine classes.
Over the half term break, the children in year 6 have been busy getting up to all kinds of wonderful family homework projects around the theme of ‘Our Beautiful Earth’!
The children have been busy writing stories, making posters and getting crafty and creative with materials found around the house - it’s really fantastic to see families coming together to support children’s learning. Here are a few photos of what the children have produced over the holidays:
fantastic models of the natural world created by Abia and Adyaan
Tazrian's poster to celebrate‘International Mother Language Day’, and a poster with a powerful message about saving the environment created by Timur.
Year 5 have been doing a wide range of superb work
We have been looking at poetry in English. The children have been studying cinquain poems and have created their own about the winter and the snow we recently had.
Rayhan and Sara
In science they have been looking at forces and designing their own force multipliers for a fairground ride. Some students also made models out of lego.
Liyana's Lever Hoorain's Design Umar's Lever
There has been so much hard work in year 2
Pupils show their creativity and ambition to improve every day. Pupils know that they have to work hard and try their best.
During the lockdown, Mustaqiim has been learning to join up his writing and to use the word ‘because’ in sentences. He has used amazing words like ‘peaceful’ and wonderful’ to make this letter giving advice to messy aliens more interesting. What a great achievement!
Keyaan has been concentrating on his Maths and has learned how to answer questions about pictograms. He has also been taking part in Sum Dog Maths competitions every day to improve his mental Maths skills.
During his time working at home, Adil has learned how to be more independent. He takes clear photos of his writing and uploads his home learning to his journal. In this letter, Adil is giving advice to an alien on how to improve his bad behaviour.
Early Years have been using Tapestry to share their brilliant work at home
We have been celebrating throughout February and made superb pancakes for Shrove Tuesday and lovely love hearts for Valentine's day.
Pupils also worked hard to do their Family Homework all about the Environment. We think carefully about our World in Nursery and know that it is up to us to protect the planet.
The children in Year 3 have been working hard with their remote learning and have adapted well to Digital Learning.
In Maths, they have been learning about fractions using counters/drawings/bar models and objects.
The children have been practising a variety of fiction and non fiction writing styles through daily writes and have written letters, diary entries, created posters and short improvised stories based upon the environment, dinosaurs and disasters.
They have become better at using their own self-assessment skills by editing their work and making improvements. Well done Year 3! We look forward to welcoming you all back into school very soon.
Year 1 Love Learning
Zayn worked really hard to create a leaflet for Family Homework, all about how to look after our Environment. He published his writing carefully. We can't wait for him to bring his work into school and share it with us.
Aleena was inspired by our lessons on Chinese new year, to create her very own dragon. She must have worked so hard to colour and cut it so carefully. What a bright and brilliant dragon!
In year 4 we have been working very hard on Maths and English as well as learning a variety of creative theme subjects.
We set the children a challenge to create Viking boats, which were in the last newsletter in more detail, we did a science experiment where we took our pulse and did different exercises to see how the heart and body was affected.
We also made Chinese New Year decorations for our houses. Look at some of our incredible artwork which has been hand drawn! It’s been so lovely to look at different children’s creativity and craftiness.
It must have taken real concentration to make these pieces of work. We value concentration as one of our Learning Powers. When we think hard and focus we can usually do our best work.