Stepney Park Chess Club

Find out all about the great events happening for Chess Club
Stepney Chess Club News
Last Tuesday, international chess player Shohreh Bayat visited our chess club. She played against all the children - this meant she was playing 13 matches at once! Within 45 minutes she had ‘checkmated’ 10 children. Congratulations to Raihan, Zainab and Zahinor who were still playing at the end of the session.
Stepney Chess League
Congratulations to all the Year 5 and Year 6 children who took part in the Stepney Chess League this year. Their sportsmanship and love of chess was clear to see throughout the eight rounds. All the children enjoyed getting to know children from other schools and some of the Year 6 children have established friendships that will continue at their secondary schools. The final result was very close. Congratulations to the winners, Marion Richardson School.
Here is the final league table:
Here are the Stepney Year 6 children who took part in the final round of the chess league. Faryal now has a complete collection of medals: bronze, silver and gold. Take a look at the Stepney Chess League trophy, prior to it being sent off to be engraved with Marion Richardson’s name as the 2022 winner.