Return Dates

Return Dates for all Year Groups.
Dear Parents and Carers of Stepney Park Primary school,
We have been advised by Public Health England that there have been further confirmed cases of COVID-19 within Year 3 and Year 5.
The person in Year 3 who was diagnosed with Covid 19 last attended school on Monday November 30th, when they developed the symptoms.
The 2 additional people in Year 5 who were diagnosed with Covid 19 last attended school Friday 27th November, and developed symptoms the next day.
To summarise and clarify return dates:
EYFS: Last day of self isolation: Friday December 4th. Return to school Tuesday December 8th
Year 1: Last day of self isolation: Friday December 4th. Return to school Tuesday December 8th
Year 2: Not self isolating and returning to school on Tuesday December 8th
Year 3: Last day of self isolation: Monday December 14th. Return to school: Tuesday December 15th
Year 4: Not self isolating and returning to school on Tuesday December 8th
Year 5: Last day of self isolation: Friday December 11th. Return to school: Monday December 14th
Year 6: Not self isolating and returning to school on Tuesday December 8th
Please note: Self isolation means that your child should not leave home at all, and should not have contact with any visitors.
We are very worried about the continued spread of Covid 19 in the school and suspect that some children may carry the virus without being diagnosed.
We would like to encourage you to have your child tested for Covid 19, if they develop any of the following three symptoms, even if they are very minor: a fever, a continuous cough or a change in their sense of taste or smell.
Please let us know if your child tests positive, so we can communicate this to the health authorities and decide on the next course of action.
I know how much of an impact this further self-isolation period will have on the children and the families, and I would like to again extend my best wishes to all of the school community during this challenging time.
Kindest regards,
Edith Philipsen
Headteacher- Stepney Park Primary School.
Link to - Decision to close - 1-7th December