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Return to school

Our timetable is changing temporarily.


Dear parents and carers of Stepney Park Primary School,

I hope you and your families are all safe and well.

Changes to our timetable due to Covid 19.

We have been consulting with staff and have made a decision to move to small ‘class bubbles’ for the last two weeks of term, instead of operating in year group bubbles. We want to try and make sure that if there was to be a further case of Covid in the school, only the relevant class would be asked to self isolate. Our staff will form class bubbles and will stay with their allocated class throughout most of the day, including lunchtimes, as we want to introduce as few staff to each class as possible. This means staff will sacrifice some of their break times in order to make this happen. Specialist staff who normally teach across a number of classes, for example to cover PPA time, will not be able to do this for the rest of the term. 

The exceptions are going to be in EYFS, where Reception will be a bubble across the three classes and where Nursery will be a bubble across the two classes. This is because their classes are open plan. Children in Yr 3 and Yr 5 who are due to return earlier than others are also going to be in a mixed bubble. 

As we are a very large school, we will need to make many changes to our timetable and to how we teach. We have 24 classes in Year 1 to Year 6, all will need to have separate areas in the playground, so they can not mix with other classes. This means that play times will have to run throughout the day. All children will get two (relatively short) breaks, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Children will get additional breaks in their classroom and will get exercise as well. Children in EYFS will still have access to their separate playgrounds throughout the day. 

Other adaptations include more packed lunches instead of hot meals in more classes.

Subjects such as Cooking, Art, Music and PE, as well as assemblies may be affected,as we need to  reorganise all of our timetabling.  For these reasons, we will only be able to do this for a short time, until the end of the term. 


As you know, it is really important to have classrooms well ventilated, as it will stop coronavirus spreading.

For this reason, we have been told by PHE and the DFE that we need to try and keep windows open. As the weather is getting colder, classes are also a bit colder, so please make sure your child is wearing an extra layer of clothes if they like. We will monitor the temperature in classes and temporarily close the windows if it gets too cold. 


Of course we will ensure that we will have some festive activities this year. On Wednesday December 16th we will have parties in classes. 

Children can come to school in their party clothes that day, there may even be a staff Christmas jumper competition so I have been told!  We will make sure we have some party food and soft drinks that day for the children, there is no need to send food into school. This is in line with our allergy and Covid policy.

Digital Learning 

I have been immensely impressed with the quality of some of the digital learning that has been going on. I have been particularly impressed with the level of engagement from parents and children in Year 1. Keep up the good work!

Self isolation:

Please do not allow your child to return to school if a family member or a close contact has tested positive and if you have been told they need to self isolate. 

We are looking forward to seeing EYFS, Yr 1,Yr 2, Yr 4 and Yr 6 back tomorrow, as well as Yr 3 on Tuesday Dec 15th and Yr 5 Monday Dec 14th.

Kindest regards,

Edith Philipsen

Headteacher- Stepney Park Primary School.