Challenge and collaboration

Take a look at the fantastic learning we have been doing!
Well done to all the children and teachers for their continued hard work!
Year 1
We celebrated World Cup Day when England played their first match in Qatar. We had our sports clothes on, or we were dressed in red, white and blue in honour of 1 Oak’s team which is the U.S.A. We tried new things when we worked on the Purple Mash programme on our chrome books.
We took photos of ourselves and wrote about ourselves as football champions.
Then we practised our football skills with Tom and the parent volunteers.
Year 6
In class, 6 Oak have shown much resilience using digit cards to solve challenging reasoning problems based on the maths they already know. These puzzles really made us think!
Having read all of Talking Turkeys, 6 Oak have been collaborating with their learning partners to create their own poems in the style of Benjamin Zephaniah. They were very impressive and the children enjoyed performing them.
6 Oak were very resilient, learning and perfecting ‘Be Happy’ by Bobby McFerrin in their ukelele lessons. All the practice paid off in a fantastic performance to Year 5.
Bobby McFerrin
Year 2
2 Oak has been trying a lot of new things over the first two terms. We have tested the school VR headsets for the very first time. It was so exciting to observe the rainforest in Tanzania where Jane Goodall had been learning about chimpanzees. We saw different kinds of green plants in this habitat. Someone even saw a snake, our imagination is flying through the roof!
In Art we have been learning about mixed media by adding to our ink wash each week for the past 4 weeks. We felt so proud of our final art piece as we focused very hard to listen to instructions and try something new. Not to forget the fun of tidying up!
This week for some of us new skills learnt on World Cup day were very exciting! We practised some words like ‘Hallo’, which means hi in Dutch. Dutch is one of the three languages spoken in Belgium, where one of the World Cup teams comes from. Dressed in the colours of the Belgian flag, during the day we also practised our skills in football with the class.
Year 5
Over the last few weeks, the children in 5 Oak have been learning how to write a biography. First, we read about famous people from recent history, like Nelson Mandela and Muhammad Ali, and looked at how biographies were written about them. We also learnt about certain writing features, such as writing subtitles and using brackets, and practised writing complex and more-interesting sentences.
We concentrate so hard in our lessons!
Finally, the children in 5 Oak have learnt about the life of Marcus Rashford and have written about his inspirational life in the form of a biography using their new English writing skills.
Please make sure your child is reading at home every day for 20 minutes, as this is the best way for them to improve their reading, writing and vocabulary. Maths homework is also assigned every Monday, either on Google Classroom or Times Table Rockstars.
Year 3
We have started with DT this week and will be exploring paper circuits. By the end of the week the children will have designed and made their own card that lights up. On Tuesday the children had their first attempt at having to create their own circuit using the resources and make their bulb light up. They had to work collaboratively and try new things to get it to work. In the photos you will see the great excitement when they were successful.
In Science we have been learning about different types of rocks. We learnt about igneous rocks and sedimentary rocks and how they are formed. For our investigation looking at different properties of rocks the teachers booked us on a trip to the Soanes Center, which is behind Mile End station.
The day we went it was pouring with rain! So by the time we got there we were soaking wet!
Once there we had a look at different rocks and explored their properties. We were curious how we could prove if a rock was hard or soft and why some of the rocks used in the cemetery had cracked and broken. This is the task handed to us. We had to work collaboratively in our groups to try and prove that some rocks were hard and others soft. We used nails on the rocks to prove this theory.
We also looked if the rocks were permeable (absorbed water) or impermeable (waterproof) and how we could prove it.
Year 4
4 Oak have shown great collaboration skills recently. In our Design & Technology lessons, we learned how to make a vegetable soup using a range of ingredients, including potatoes, carrots and onions. Our first challenge was to work in small groups to make a soup from a recipe that we were given. This helped us to learn new cooking skills and allowed us to practise working together as a team.
In our next lesson, each group designed their own recipe for a vegetable soup and we collaborated to make it together. We were really pleased because all the soups we made were delicious!