More Great Learning from Year 1
We are so proud of all the hard work at home and at school in Year 1!
Year 1 have been impressing their teachers again over the past weeks! We are so pleased with the way in which you are using your journals to share your work. You have mastered the skill of uploading your work - some of you working as a team like Zishan and Saara in the main picture! This means we can not only see your work but look at how to help you get better.
Don't worry if you make mistakes. It is much better to do your work by yourself and make mistakes then to just copy it and get it perfect.
This helps your brain to grow!
Year 1 have been working on Fractions in maths! Fractions are really tricky to understand but we know that you are trying your best. Take a look at Alina from 1 Oak's work. She has carefully drawn and shaded the shapes to show us that she understands different ways to make a half. Dee told me that she could see Alina had taken her time to clearly produce her fractions work.
Alina Hassan Yasir
Hassan in Oak went on to show that he could find fractions of amounts and carefully sorted amounts into equal groups. He carefully wrote a fractions calculation to show his working out. Look how clear and neat his work is. And look how Yasir has been getting better and better with his writing every day! That's just what we expect at Stepney Park!
Nahida in 1 Maple found she couldn't pick from all the great work in her class so we have chosen a selection for you here. She told me that she wanted to tell all the 1 Maple pupils how proud she was of them. She has seen marvellous maths and wonderful writing. You can see some examples below. Look how proud of his work Adil looks! We can see why.
Oscar Safaa
Adil Samara
Emma has been really enjoying looking at the writing and maths journals in 1 Pine. That's when she gets to see the amazing effort at home. She can tell children must be listening hard in their Meets because they produce work like some of the pieces below. Well done to the pupils she has spotted this week!
Sajid worked really hard on his writing. He wrote a whole narrative about the picture he saw. He included a range of adjectives to make it really interesting to read. Can you imagine being in such a great fire?! You can if you read this lovely writing! |
Emma said that Rizwana was working as a mathematician because her work was very clear and easy to see what she had been doing. She particularly liked her fraction number sentences. |
Emma also wants a big shout out to Fahmi. He has been so engaged with his online learning and trying his best even when he finds using his computer tricky. Louisa has also seen him massively improving with his writing!! |
Yet again, we want to say a massive thank you to parents and carers for all their support and patience supporting their children to learn at home. All of year 1 staff are incredibly grateful. We can't wait to see you all back in school.