Reading workshops for families
We are excited to share with you that Tower Hamlets Parental Engagement team, have 2 online workshops this week for parents to support reading at home and reading for pleasure. We warmly encourage you to take part as we celebrate World Book Day this week.
Reading workshops help celebrate World Book Day
To help kick off World Book Day celebrations on Thursday 4 March, join our online reading workshops for parents of either Key Stage 1 or Key Stage 2 children.
Sessions will explore the importance of books and reading together for pleasure. Parents will also gain an insight into how reading is taught at school and discover ways to support children’s reading development at home.
Reading at Key Stage 2 (y3-y6): Wednesday 3 March, 5pm - 6pm
Reading at Key Stage 1 (y1-y2): Friday 5 March, 10am - 11am
For more details and for Zoom invitation, email us stating the session title along with your child’s age and school’s name.
You can visit their website for more great online courses and workshops to support you and your family.