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We celebrate our Resilience at Stepney Park

Nursery Class


Over the last few weeks, we have been thinking about resilience in nursery.


We took turns to make our own porridge. We waited patiently for our broad beans to grow big enough to harvest. We learnt it’s ok to be patient and tolerate delay.


Sewing, building and looking after our chicks taught us that resilience involves not giving up even when we’re learning new tricky skills!

Year 6

We were challenged to make a chair, using ONLY newspaper and masking tape.  The chair had to support the weight of one of us.

First we discussed a plan.  Then we helped make our group chair.  Some of us had to show great resilience when we realised our chair was never going to support the weight of one of us.  We didn’t give up though...   

       Irfan and Ziyad in deep concentration   

A successful chair by Maryam, Shadia, Afra and Elma.        

Another successful chair, by  Tawhid, Masud, Mikat and Mazid

Year 2  

In 2 Willow class we have been concentrating on using our superhero learning powers by having a growth mindset and showing resilience

In Maths we have been learning about measuring.  We used tape measures to measure different parts of our bodies and compared our measurements using our new vocabulary we have learnt like longer and shorter. 


Even when we found it tricky to use the tape measures we kept trying.  We encouraged each other by working together and telling each other that we could be successful!

We have also been practising to tie our shoelaces and getting changed for P.E on our own so we can be more independent and even when we found it difficult we kept on trying and instead of saying “I can’t do it” we said “I can’t do it yet”. 

Year 3

Year 3 have been putting their resilience skills to the test when dealing with fractions in Maths. 

Tanisha in 3 Willow said, “I found it hard at the beginning but we kept practising and I was able to understand it better at the end.” 

Simra felt similarly, “I used fraction walls to help me find equivalent fractions.”


Faiza also felt confused at the beginning but she said that, “Over time, I learnt how to use fraction walls and times tables to find fractions that are equal. We didn’t give up!”

In Year 3, we have been learning from our mistakes and persevering. We know we can only get better by practising.

Year 4 

On Tuesday year 4 Willow took part in an amazing excursion to the Urban Adventure Base in Mile End Park. They enjoyed taking part in some exciting activities which developed their team working skills and resilience.

The activities were climbing, canoeing, fire making and cycling.

Toasting marshmallows on a campfire

Learning how to ride a bike

Climbing to the top of the climbing wall

Year 1

In 1 Willow we are building our resilience.  We face lots of challenges during our learning both at home and at school.  We are learning to find ways to overcome challenges and not give up.  We do our best and have a go at all activities.

Our teachers challenge us daily and we work hard to find ways to overcome the challenges we face.  We talk it through and find solutions on how to overcome it.  Sometimes we need a little more support but once we feel confident we can face the challenge independently.  Our teachers are always very supportive and proud of us

For our Healthy Me day we looked at a healthy diet and we took the challenge to taste vegetables we normally would not try at home or school (we often have beetroot salad at school and won’t try it).  Some of the vegetables we really didn't like, but others we said maybe we can eat at lunch or at home. 

While in the playground we can climb on the climbing frame. We find navigating the steps and fireman's pole a challenge at times.  It's a little high for some of us, but through resilience and motivation we have persevered and are now able to come down the fireman's pole confidently.

Year 5

This week, 5 Willow have been building their resilience in different ways.  We have been working hard nearly every day to complete maths and reading tests to the best of our abilities.  Also, we have been practising our creative writing skills for extended periods of time in order to build up our stamina. 


Finally, we worked together, in small groups, to research, plan and present a mind map about beliefs in the Maya Civilisation. 

We had to use our resilience to complete the task on time.