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We have got off to a flying start this term!

All the great news from across the school ... and beyond!

Year 1

Year 1 Oak has made an amazing start to the year. We are already showing lots of our Stepney park learning behaviours!

In Maths we sorted objects, being ambitious like Abby we thought of different ways we could sort objects such as colour, size and type. We were able to explain how we sorted the shapes and objects and made our teacher very proud!


In English we have been reading “Where the wild things are”. We collaborated like Colin to label the wild things’ features. We found their terrible claws and their gnashing teeth. We used our phonics to sound out the words and tried our best with our handwriting.   


Well done 1 Oak!

Year 5

5 Oak have had a great term so far! We’re hard at work and looking forward to our amazing residential trip to Gilwell Park coming up in November. 

One of the aspects 5 Oak are excited about are the wonderful new books in the book corner. Therefore, we thought that we would share some book recommendations with you. 

Medina recommends the book ‘Pollyanna’ by Eleanor Porter. She describes it as a “mysterious book, full of twists and turns!”

Salahuddin has been really enjoying the non fiction book ‘Life Cycles’ which we have been reading for our science work. He especially enjoys reading about the life cycle of a dinosaur!

Asma has been enjoying the book ‘Dark Lord’ by Jamie Thomson. She explains that the book is a fantasy story which she enjoyed as it made her laugh!

What books have you been enjoying at school? Don't forget to go to the Reading Room to find great comics, magazines and other books!

Year 2

This week, as part of our Plants topic, Year 2 had the opportunity to visit the Woodlands area. The children were paired with their learning partner and were asked to go on a tree hunt. With a clipboard and pencil, the children ticked off the different species of trees they were able to find. The children were able to find a variety of different trees, for example ashes, firs and chestnuts. This engaging form of learning also offered the children important skills such as independence and problem solving.


In more recent lessons, we have explored how the size of a seed affects the size plant it grows into. We made predictions and will be planting our own seeds to test if our predictions are correct.


Year 4

We have had a fantastic start to year 4. We have settled into our classroom well and are really enjoying our learning so far. 

In PE we are working collaboratively to pass the ball to each other safely in hockey and on Monday we had our first swimming lesson. We were so excited and we all had a wonderful time. We look forward to learning how to swim this term.

In Maths we also worked collaboratively as we used the counters to make numbers bigger than 1000. We were able to use our knowledge of last year and build on it in year 4.


Year 3

3 Oak (and the rest of Year 3!) have had a great start to the school year.  Everyone has settled back into the school routines and enjoyed seeing their friends after the summer break, too.

Over the past two weeks, we have been practising our writing skills while reading the book, The Day the Crayons Quit.  Commas for lists and subordinating conjunctions have been our focus so far.  In maths, we have been working on counting and place value.

Take a look at Aiman’s writing and Maryam’s maths work!

Like the other children across the school, 3 Oak have worked to make a class charter.  This was after discussing children’s rights and responsibilities and how we can act on these.

Everyone has come to school with a smile on their face and been really excited to start Year 3!


In Reception Oak the children have been settling in really well to their new school and their new class. They have been exploring their new Reception environment and having lots of fun, learning lots of new things.

Reception have been reading lots of books about starting school, learning all about our reception rules including how to look after our things, being kind to others and learning where things go.

Lots of children have been enjoying their school lunch too and are learning how to choose their lunch and be independent.



Year 6

Many of our Year 6 children have been having an amazing, adventurous time at Mersea.

Check out some photos here.