Class News
We have been developing a wide range of skills this term
Year 1
In 1 Oak we were curious like Corey about the history of food. We learnt that the earliest humans were hunter-gatherers and they had to hunt, fish and forage for food.
We focused on our new vocabulary to write about how they found food and what they ate.
Then we learned about how farming made life quicker and easier for people as they were able to grow their own food and keep animals.
We were ambitious and wrote sentences about how this made getting food easier for people.
Well done 1 Oak we have been super learners!
Year 5
We have been having a wonderful time in the art studio this term!
We started by looking at the artist Khaindi Whiley’s portraits. “He uses a lot of floral patterns and paints the background into the foreground.” explained Mariam. The children looked at lots of different portraits of this artist as well as the painting we saw by him at the Victoria and Albert museum last term.
We then went on to create our own portraits. “We had to think about size, shape, position and tone,” explained Khalid and Arafat. The children started off by drawing an outline of their eyes, face and ears. “We had to look carefully in the mirror,” explained Zakariya.
They then mixed watercolours to create a paint matching their skin tone to add to their portrait. Finally, the children used pencils of different thickness to draw their hair, eyes, ears and mouth. “We had to use mark making for the hair,” explained Rayyan.
Year 3
In 3 Oak, we have recently started learning about the life of Harriet Tubman who freed many enslaved people in the U.S.A. during the 1800s. We have written a biography about her life, using subheadings to organise our writing as well as -ly adverbials to start our sentences.
In Maths, we have learnt about fractions, including the words ‘denominator’ and ‘numerator’. We have explored different types of fractions and started to look at equivalent fractions, too.
In RE, we have started learning about prayer and how different religions pray. We have looked at how Christians, Muslims, Jews and Hindus pray, including the places of worship and why people pray. There are differences in ways of praying as well as similarities.
We have also begun a new series of Art lessons with Helen in the studio. We have learnt about botanical artists and spent a lot of time doing observational drawings of pea seeds and runner bean seeds. After drawing, we used watercolour paints to add even more detail to our artwork. Our Art lessons have linked to Science, too, as we have planted seeds and watched them germinate over the past couple of weeks.
In Reception we have been reading Jack and the Beanstalk and planting beans to watch how they grow. First we put some tissue in the bag, then we added water with a pipet, next we put the bean in the bag. Finally we put the bag on the windowsill in our classroom where it is sunny. We are curious to see how tall they will grow!
We were really ambitious with our writing in English and wrote all about how we planted the seeds.
We have also been using our imaginations and making beanstalks and magic beans in the classroom.
Year 4
In Year 4 we have been reading a collection of poems based on our senses. All these poems had a number of rhyming schemes. First we read aloud the poems and then we had to write our own version of these poems. We showed great ambition as well as having a go and trying something new! Take a look at our ‘Eyes’ Poems.
By Adil
By Issa
By Tahseen
By Zuriyah
We were also inspired by the new season and had an attempt at writing poems about Spring. This was challenging as we had to come up with rhymes. We even had the opportunity to perform them to Edith. We hope you enjoy reading them.
By Arya
By Adam
Year 6
In Year 6, we have been working hard and showing lots of ambition during our mock SATs tests. We have drawn on all the learning and knowledge that we have acquired throughout our time at Stepney Park as we completed tests in maths, reading, spelling and grammar. The Year 6 teachers are very proud of everyone’s efforts this week.
In our English lessons, we have been learning the story of Oliver Twist. In our next extended piece of writing, we are going to focus on a part of the story in which Oliver realises that his new friends are pickpockets. To help us portray how these characters speak, we have been learning some Cockney Rhyming Slang. Do you know what these common phrases mean?
Apples and pears = stairs
Boat race = ?
Sky rocket = ?
Loaf of bread = ?
China plate = ?
Year 2
In Year 2, we’ve been trying lots of new things!
A few weeks ago we went on an exciting trip to the Barbican Centre to watch the London Symphony Orchestra perform. We travelled on the underground with our adults and spent the morning watching the performance. We shared all the things we’ve been learning in Music, like rhythm and tempo. It was interesting to see all the instruments that make up an orchestra, like violins, cellos and flutes!
In Science we have been learning all about microhabitats. We had the opportunity to go into the woodlands and create our own microhabitats for worms. First, we had to find a dark, damp spot because that’s what worms need to survive. We then used shovels and forks to dig up the soil, and covered the area with things we found from the woodland floor. Our adults were so impressed with our collaboration and responsibility.