The Grand Finale!

What a great end of the school year!
Year 6
We performed our end of year production of Oliver. What did we learn from the story? Many things including that life isn’t always easy or fair but things will always be ok in the end. These lessons are good to remember as we move forward in the next chapter of our lives at secondary school. We may have challenges to face but we will face them head on. Empathy, collaboration, responsibility and kindness will always win in the end.
Last week, each class did their short production of Oliver Twist which went very well. The children practiced so much and their singing was beautiful!
On Monday we continued our Enterprise project which means we started with a budget and we had to try and make the money grow. We started with a budget of £100 and we decided to make end of term sweet treats for the Summer Fair. We had to research, buy and make our sweet cones which took us 2-3 hours! We worked so well together as a team and can’t wait to raise lots of money for charity on Wednesday!
Year 2
As we look back over the year, we’re so proud of all our accomplishments in year 2! Most recently, we all ‘tried new things’ on Sports day, taking part in the Olympic and fun events as well as the races! We’re so proud of all the children for trying their best and cheering each other on
We’ve also been on a local history walk around Whitechapel as part of our learning on how our local area has changed over time. The children have found it interesting to study historical maps and discover that our school didn’t exist before the Victorian Age and was actually fields and farms! We also used our observation skills to look for historical buildings in our local area and compare them to old photographs to see what has changed and what has stayed the same over time.
In year 2 we’ve also really enjoyed making our couscous dishes as part of our learning in DT this term. We’ve learnt to safely cut and peel vegetables to make a healthy, seasonal and colourful dish.The children were so excited to take their dishes home for families to try - we hope you enjoyed them!
Year 1
In Year 1 we have been putting our excellent detective skills to use to help us identify features in letters. We collaborated with our groups to dive into letters from ‘The Jolly Postman’ making sure they had all the things letters need to get to the right person.
We are then going to use these features to write our own letters to invite our friends to a party we are throwing. To make our parties sound amazing we also included lots of adjectives to describe all the fun things that will be there!
Year 3
Year 3 spent the week using list sentences and 2A sentences to describe characters and settings from the story “Ice Palace”. The story is about a child who goes on the look for his brother through a cold and icy forest in the middle of a storm. Throughout the journey he faces many obstacles preventing him from finding his brother. We as the reader follow the protagonist in this adventure and for our extended writing, we elaborate on the story by using adjectives to paint a better picture of the story.
Year 3 have worked really hard this week to use descriptive sentences and will be following on by doing letter writing in the shoes of the main character for the next extended writing piece.
Year 5
This week in Maple class, we have been taking part in all the fun events that occur towards the end of the academic year. We have taken part in Sports Day, where we took part in the 100m dash, 400m run, relay, fun activities and olympic activities. We have also gone to visit Mulberry Stepney Green Maths, Computing & Science College to take part in some awesome science experiments. We’ve watched the Year 6 performance and graduation, which is very exciting to think that will be us next year! In our final week, we are learning how to make a motorised car and how weight, placement and different mechanisms affect its speed as part of DT! Today we learnt how to create a motorised fan with a make-shift switch!
Your child should be reading at home every day for 20 minutes, as this is the best way for them to improve their reading, writing and vocabulary. Over the summer, why don’t you visit the Idea store and take part in their summer reading challenge to earn yourself a medal and a certificate!
We hope you have a lovely break and wish you all good luck in Year 6!
The current year 5 unit of English is to write narratives based off the book Tyger by S.F Said, who is also the author of Varjak Paw. The children wrote about the character Adam and the power which grows inside him, awakened by the majestic Tyger who is an immortal being. The focus of these pieces of writing was to use different techniques to present dialogue in writing, such as adding narration to dialogue, omitting the speech verb or continuing the dialogue after the speech verb. These are some examples of the year 5 children’s amazing work!
Year 4
This term we have been like Abby the ant by never giving up! We have been using our scientific knowledge of circuits in DT to design and make a card with a light.
First, we had to consider the purpose and the intended recipient. To gather some inspiration for the cards design we looked at a range of different cards. Next, we had to think carefully about the position of the bulb of the light up bulb. Once we had established the best location for the bulb we had to carefully make a circuit along with a simple push button concealed on the inside using copper tape, an LED light and a cell battery.
The copper tape was very tricky to use as it was so delicate and very sticky! We had to work really hard to make sure we laid the copper tape without getting any rips or tears which would break the circuit.
Light up cards by Mariom, Safiyyah and Mahdin
Mahiyan said, “I think that I demonstrated a lot of skills doing this project for example being empathetic because I helped lots of people make their circuit when their bulb didn’t light”
Keyaan explained that, “I think I demonstrated collaboration skills in this project because I worked a lot with my partner.
Hanifa agreed with Keyaan saying, “...I worked on a lot of skills but especially collaboration because we all helped each other…”
Year 4 Pine have been writing their own version of ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’. First we planned our own version of Narnia. In the plan we included introduction, build up and conclusion. We used rich vocabulary, dialogue ( with narration), setting and character description, fronted adverbials and conjunctions. These are some of the writing features they have been learning in their English lessons.
In Nursery we had our Sports Day! The children worked very hard to run a relay race by passing a baton to their friends.
We had a chance to balance a bean bag on their head and balanced it as they walked across the playground.
We carefully balanced our eggs on the spoons as we walked across the playground.
We had a lot of fun playing with our friends!
Year 5 boys football league winners
8 teams entered this year. The 7 boys in the Urals team played 7 games and won all 7, making them clear winners. Well done to all of them for their effort!