Super September

Straight down to exploring and fun this term
Year 6
Our time in Year 6 got off to a great start at Mersea Activity Centre in Essex.
We all had a great time. We took part in many exciting activities, such as High Ropes, Caving, Karting, Archery, Adventure course and the Big Swing. The activities were challenging and fun and helped develop many of their learning behaviours.
Year 1
It has been an amazing start to Term 1 in Year 1. The children have settled into their new routines really well and have shown such great learning in their lessons. They have been learning ambitious new vocabulary in their English lessons and using it to describe their very own ‘Wild Things’. Children have even begun writing some sentences about their creations too!
Adeen's work Rania's work
In our science, we have been exploring body parts, children have been collaborating with their learning partners to compare their body parts. They were excellent at identifying who was taller or who had shorter legs. They were able to share their ideas aloud and explain what patterns they found.
We can’t wait to see what other learning Year 1 gets up to this year!
Year 4
We have all had a great rest over the summer and have made a positive start to the new school year. We have discussed learning behaviours and created a class charter agreeing on what was expected both in the classroom and around the school. We have also made some big decisions in 4 Oak and chosen our class ‘school counsellor’. Congratulations to Sabbir who won the most votes after delivering his compelling speech to 4 Oak. We are confident our chosen school counsellor will help us make some more big decisions to help make our class and school even better.
Year 4 has made a confident start in Maths. We have been recapping our learning on place value for 4 digit numbers and reminding ourselves how calculations should be presented in our books. Being ambitious learners, year 4 has been just like Abby. They have demonstrated a strong effort in the first few weeks with completing times tables homework.
Keep it up year 4!
Year 2
In year 2 we’ve settled in brilliantly for a new year of learning! We’ve been working particularly on our routines, careful listening and collaborating with other children in our class to start the term off. In maths lessons, we’ve been collaborating when sorting 2D and 3D shapes according to their properties.
We’ve had to make sure we’re listening carefully to our learning partners and using mathematical vocabulary like ‘vertices, edges and faces’. We’ve also been working on writing descriptive sentences in English lessons which use 2 and sometimes 3 adjectives in them! We think you’ll be very impressed with the quality of writing we’re already producing at the start of this year.
Year 5
The year 5 classes have begun an art project at the start of the year called Wire Planets. The children are using different sized aluminium wire to create a structure resembling the different planets of the solar system. They are exploring how metal is manipulated, how to strengthen their structures with contact points and how texture can be used to add detail.
This ties in well with the first topic of science, which is Space. Children have been learning about the 8 planets in our solar system as well as understanding how the day/night cycle, seasons and lunar phases work.
Inside and outside, Reception Oak has been having a fantastic time learning. We love exploring, being creative and trying our best. The children are showing that they are kind and collaborative friends - taking turns and asking for things politely.
When we have been in the woodlands they have shown that they can take risks, ask questions and work with others. Well done Reception!
Year 3
3 Oak (and the rest of Year 3!) have had a great start to the school year. Everyone has settled back into the school routines and enjoyed seeing their friends after the summer break, too.
Over the past two weeks, we have been practising our writing skills while reading the book, The Day the Crayons Quit. Commas for lists and subordinating conjunctions have been our focus so far. In Maths, we have been working on counting and place value.
Like the other children across the school, 3 Oak have enjoyed taking part in our Science lessons. The children enjoyed planting their own seeds and are eagerly waiting to check on them next week.
Everyone has come to school with a smile on their face and been really excited to start Year 3!