Jumping into January

We are having a creative and active term
In nursery this week we have been learning all about the world at night. We have enjoyed reading Whatever Next by Jill Murphy.
We made our own space scene collages with different coloured tissue paper. We have been ripping and scrunching the paper to make planets, stars and spaceships!
This week we have also been enjoying phonics group time. We used the mirrors to make funny faces and looked at our mouths when we made lots of funny noises like “weeeee” and “ahhhhh”!
Year 5
Art project - Pottery Biomes - This project was inspired by Clarice Cliff.
The intention was to make pottery biomes and a lid using clay, the idea is to be as unique as possible when sculpting the lid and forming the designs.
During the class discussion, many of the children were pleased with their painting, sculpting, the form (shape) of the lid and the details that they added to it.
Some children stated that they would like to improve the smoothness of their pottery. Some of the children also added that they would’ve liked to make it more interesting by focusing on the texture and the patterns.
The children reflected on previous years work as well as projects they have completed this year and stated that they have improved on their coverage (painting without leaving any spaces and gaps). They are extremely proud of their work and have enjoyed their time on this project.
Well done Year 5!
Forest and Meadow
Forest and Meadow classes really enjoyed their recent trip to Stepney Farm.
The children walked calmly with an adult showing interest and curiosity on our walk. Many parents joined us too which was great!
We used our core vocabulary boards to communicate what we could see and hear at the farm!
We loved observing and interacting with the farm animals. We gave some food to the goats!
We look forward to going on more trips this term!
Hello little lamb! Hello resting sheep! Baa! Baa! Baa!
Hello Chickens! Cluck! Cluck! Cluck!
Hello Goats! Maa! Maa! Maa!
Hello Donkey! Hee-Haw! Hee-Haw!
Year 6
In Year 6 this week we have been learning about light in our science lessons. After making our own periscopes using card and mirrors, we then investigated how shadows are formed. We used the inquiry question, What happens to the shadow of an object when the light source becomes further away from it?
Using torches, a glue stick, a whiteboard and a ruler, we explored how the size of the shadow formed by the glue stick changed size as we moved the torch further away from it. We recorded our results, then created a line graph using the data.
We established that the further the light source is from an object, the smaller the shadow becomes. This is because less of the light is blocked by the object.