Communication with the School
We welcome communication between staff and parents as we know this establishes relationships which support pupils’ emotional and academic development.
All communication from staff to parents and carers is polite, respectful and clear.
Whole school messages are shared via regular Headteacher letters and fortnightly general newsletters. These are shared via email. All information shared is available to access on the website.
We encourage all parents to check that they receive our emails and let the office know if they do not get our communication. By regularly reading our newsletters you will always be up-to-date with events at Stepney Park Primary School.
We use Parent Pay to send text messages to parents and for payments. All parents must sign up when their child first joins the school. It is essential that we have up-to-date email addresses and phone numbers so that we can contact you.
All other main communication is through emailed letters where possible.
Expectations for communication between parents and school
In order for communication to be most effective we ask for the following:
Parents are asked to email any questions or concerns to the ‘admin’ email address so that a time can be made by the teacher to follow up appropriately. Email:
Emails and phone calls made to ‘admin’ will be passed to the appropriate staff on the working day.
Staff members will aim to follow up these emails as soon as possible, but no later than by the end of the 2nd working day.
Emails over the weekend and holidays are not replied to until the first possible working day
Issues within the day, such as behaviour which results in injury to others, or injury to face or head, which will need to be communicated to parents and carers will be made via phone call from the staff before the parent comes to pick up the child, wherever possible.
If parents need to discuss minor issues at the end of the day, for health and safety reasons we would kindly request that you wait until all pupils have been collected so that the conversation can be had in private.
If you would like to have a longer conversation with a teacher, please email admin and ask for an appointment to be arranged.
Parents and carers are expected to communicate respectfully with all staff
We do not tolerate any threats of violence or intimidating behaviour from any parents or visitors; any such incidents will be followed up appropriately.
Any communication which staff deem to be aggressive or abusive will be passed on to the Senior Leadership Team.
Having your say - Opinions and Complaints
We will have focus groups, consultation meetings in person and use Google Forms to gather opinions on new initiatives or change.
All parents are welcome to share their points of view. A summary of these views will be shared with staff and governors where relevant.
Any complaints must follow our complaints policy, in our policy section.
We see complaints as an opportunity to improve services and better understand the wishes and views of parents which will help us learn lessons. We aim to deal with issues quickly and effectively without concerns escalating.
If a complaint is made to the school:
We have a clear process of escalation and guidance for teachers
We may send a response letter after a complaint has been dealt with
We record concerns and complaints with outcomes on CPOMs
Staff Roles in Communication
All staff are expected to foster positive relationships with parents by being approachable and communicative
Our SLT are on hand at the start and end of day to provide a welcoming presence to all.