Our School Development Plan
School Development Plan
At Stepney Park, we are always trying to improve our school to make it as good as possible for all our children. Here are some of the things we are working on this year:
Quality of Education: we will focus on developing the curriculum, feedback to children, spoken language, writing and basic maths skills, so that our children:
study a rich curriculum, which covers all subjects well
are remembering their learning over time
are able to use teachers’ feedback to make good progress
are using the ABC (agree/ build on/ challenge) sentence stems and are actively engaging in talk across the curriculum
are producing longer pieces of writing and use more appropriate grammar and vocabulary
develop good maths skills such as number bonds and multiplication tables
Personal Development:
We will introduce new learning behaviours and make sure that they are encouraging children to show empathy, try new things, be responsible, be ambitious, show curiosity and be able to collaborate
We will focus on Personal, Social, Relationship and Health Education
so that our children will develop great social skills and learn to get on with children from different ages and backgrounds
are able to talk about their emotions and their worries and know where they can go for help and get the support they need if they need this help