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Parents and Community

Stepney Park Primary School have a wide variety of ways to engage parents at school.  We are deeply committed to developing relationships between families and the school.

We have a regular section in our newsletter about Parental Engagement, including ways to get involved and have your say.  We welcome parent feedback and are using our Parental Engagement survey results to develop the best ways to communicate with you.


Working on Partnership with parents 

Naturally, we take working in partnership with parents very seriously, and we know it takes commitment from both sides to make the partnership effective for the benefit of the children.

Below are the expectations for parents and what we will do in return to support you with this:

Parents are expected to: 

  • take the time to read with their child daily, to share books and help us to develop a love of reading;

  • support their child to engage with their homework and provide them with space and time to succeed;

  • model and promote behaviours which allows their child to communicate positively, develop healthy relationships and succeed with their learning;

  • uphold the school’s values;

  • approach the school for help to support their children’s learning or to raise concerns;

  • read school newsletters, emails and text messages in order to keep up to date with procedures, processes and news; 

  • ensure that their child attends school unless sickness prevents this, does not take their child on holiday during term time and that medical and dental appointments are made outside of school times where possible.

Stepney Park Primary School will: 

  • provide the guidance and resources needed to support home learning;

  • keep parents informed about their child’s progress and celebrate success;

  • organise and communicate workshops and events 

  • keep parents informed of school procedures, processes and other  news via newsletters, emails and text messages;

  • aim to respond to all queries and concerns within 2 working days;

  • communicate respectfully, compassionately and provide support and guidance where needed.

School Values 

Our School Values are: Respect, Resilience and Independence. 

This is what this means for our children:

  • Respectful children: are aware of and celebrate the religious and cultural diversity in the community and beyond; they welcome new arrivals to the school and support them to become part of our school community; they display good manners with polite use of language. 

  • Resilient children: have an ability to cope with change; they are able to take on challenges both physical and mental, not giving up easily, persevering and taking risks in the process

  • Independent children: display active learning; they are not over-reliant on adult direction and are not led by peers; they show engagement in their learning, taking responsibility, creating and welcoming opportunities; they have their own interests which in turn are valued by the school community. 

This is what this means for our parents:
  • Respectful parents: communicate politely and positively as role models for their children.  They treat all staff with respect.  They share their thoughts and opinions using the correct methods of communication.  They show tolerance and respect towards other families and children within our school community, supporting us to recognise and celebrate differences. 

  • Resilient and Independent parents: develop their relationships with the school.  They ask for help and advice to help provide the best opportunities for their home life and their children.  They attend parent teacher evenings and workshops (where possible) and use the resources and techniques modelled to them.


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