Personal Development
Stepney Park Primary School is located in an area of London where there is significant socio-economic deprivation and high levels of pupil mobility. Almost all of our pupils come from ethnic minority backgrounds. The vast majority (around 90%) are of Bangladeshi heritage, although many other countries and cultures are also represented.
With this knowledge of the backgrounds of our pupils, our beliefs about high quality education, our values, and our aims for our pupils while at the school and as global citizens beyond it, our main curriculum driver in the school is Communication.
We also recognise that our some of our pupils’ experiences may be limited by their family circumstances so we ensure that enrichment opportunities are offered in our curriculum to support their acquisition of cultural capital.
At Stepney Park Primary School, we believe that Personal Development plays a fundamental role in the education of the whole child. As a school we must provide children with an education that prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities, challenges and experiences of life in modern society. Effective Personal Development, which incorporates PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education), SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development), Character Education and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) is essential to enable our children to make informed decisions about their lives.
We aim to work in partnership with our children and our school community, consulting with them regularly on the content and delivery of our Personal Development curriculum. We also recognise that a range of people from the wider community, such as health professionals, can help enhance and enrich the delivery of our programme. Additionally, we will ensure that anyone coming into school to support the delivery of the curriculum is aware of the school's values and approach to Personal Development.