Physical Health
In Science, DT and PSHEE lessons as well as through assemblies, special days and discussion times, we teach children about a wide range of things they can do to stay healthy.
For example, we teach them about the importance of daily exercise, personal hygiene, good nutrition, allergies, the importance of good sleep, dental health, harmful substances, the dangers of sun exposure, and road safety. We also teach children about basic first aid, fire safety and about the ways a virus can spread and how vaccinations can stop people becoming ill.
Our children have access to fruit at break times and they are served free healthy meals at lunchtimes. We insist that packed lunches are nutritious and healthy.
All of our children take part in twice weekly PE lessons, one of which is a swimming lesson for children in Year 3 and Year 4. At least once a week, all children's PE lessons are taught by specialist sports coaches. In addition, sports coaches provide opportunities for sport and physical activity to children who attend our free breakfast club and a number of our after school clubs are also focussed on sports. We have also sought to ensure that break times and lunchtimes provide further opportunities for physical activity. We have a coach who works over lunch to structure children's sporting activities and we have an outdoor gym, two sports cages and three large fixed climbing frames.
Special events also raise the profile of sports and physical activity at Stepney Park. These include sporting competitions, both inside and outside of school, and annual sports days.