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At Stepney Park Primary School, the safeguarding and wellbeing of children is always our first priority. All members of our school community work together to establish and maintain a safe environment where children feel secure, allowing them to talk to adults about the issues concerning them.

Our Child Protection Policy provides our school community with key information to enable them to identify safeguarding concerns and know what action to take in response. Continuous professional development opportunities ensure consistent good practice throughout the school. Our policy also sets out what we do if we suspect that either a child has been harmed or is in danger of being harmed. We work closely together with outside services, including Social Services, to take appropriate actions.

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Andy Kay (Assistant Headteacher).

Further details on our safeguarding team can be found below:


             Andy Kay- DSL                  Louisa Beringer- Deputy DSL        Khaleda Begum- Deputy DSL

In addition to the policies and procedures referred to above, we also aim to teach children how to keep themselves safe. Through our PSHE, RSE and Personal Development curriculum offer, we teach children about staying both physically and emotionally safe in a range of environments, including online. We also teach them, in an age appropriate way, how to recognise when they are in danger of being harmed and what to do if they are worried.

Digital Citizenship is an integral part of our school curriculum throughout the year.  Additionally, the school runs e-safety workshops for children and parents.

In line with the guidance for Safer Recruitment, all staff, including volunteers who have access to children in our school, have been carefully selected and screened and all have had an enhanced Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) check prior to commencing work. Details of all appointments are held in a central record.

If you have any concerns about the safety or wellbeing of children in the Stepney Park community, please contact the DSL at or speak to a member of staff in school.

Helpful Links 

The Government has provided a useful collection of advice and information for parents and carers on keeping children safe from abuse and harm. It can be accessed here

The NSPCC also has a wealth of information and advice which can be found here.