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School Timings

Years 1 - 6

The school gates open at 8.50am for a soft start. Children go independently to their classes where their teachers have set up for an active start to the day with opportunities such as maths challenges, spelling games or reading.

Children are expected to be in their classroom ready to begin lessons at 9.00am.

The school day finishes at 3.30pm. This means the hours children must be in school are 9.00am-3.30pm, totalling 32.5 hours per week. This means the school meets government requirements for the length of the school week. 


Children in reception have the same hours as the rest of the school and can arrive from 8.50am. Parents with children in reception are asked to use the Redmans Road gate as the route from here to the reception classrooms is lined with reception staff.


Part-time morning children arrive from 8:50 and are collected at 12pm.

Part-time afternoon children arrive from 12:30 and are collected at 3:30pm

Full time children arrive from 8:50 and are collected at 3:30pm

All nursery parents are asked to use the nursery gate by the car park on Smithy Street. This is the closest entrance to the nursery, EXCEPT for 3:30 collections, which are done through the main gates with the rest of the school. 


Please make sure you support your child to come to school on time.  We value punctuality as a practice in itself, and also as a way to avoid any missed learning. 

Any child who enters the school grounds after 9.00 am will be registered late by the Pastoral Care team, who will be positioned by the small Smithy Street entrance. Children arriving later than 9.00 must go to the main school office to be registered. Regular latecomers and parents will be supported in order to make time keeping changes.


All gates will open at 3:30 for collection.  The gates will be open until 3:40.






Collection Points

(Nursery and Reception are collected from their classrooms.)


We appreciate your punctuality in collecting your child. 

Any pupils not collected by 3:40 will be registered in the office as late collections.

Children must be collected by a main carer.  If a person unknown to the school is collecting your child this must be organised with the office ahead of collection time.