Dear parents and carers of Stepney Park Primary School
Ready for school
It has come to my attention that there are children who attend their online morning registration in their pyjamas. Not only does this pose a potential safeguarding issue, it also sends the wrong message to children. No child would attend real school in their pyjamas, so they should not attend their online school in pyjamas either. Can I please remind you that all children need to be dressed appropriately, have had their breakfast and be ready to learn by 9.00.
Picking up exercise books next week:
We would like all families to come into school next week to pick up new exercise books. This applies to all children, whether or not they have finished (or almost finished) their current exercise books . The books are a crucial part of the home learning, and as such are essential. We will also provide each child with a free pen and a pencil. The school is open for book pick ups every day next week between 11 am and 12 pm and again between 2 pm and 3 pm . Parents need to enter the playground via the big playground gate in Smithy Street, where a member of staff will be on hand to direct them. Please wear a face mask and ensure you are socially distanced, so everyone stays safe.
Do check the Remote Education section on our school website if you have not done this for a while. There is updated information on our remote learning strategy, which you may find useful to read. You will find it under the Parents Tab.
And finally:
Please look after yourselves and your families, and enjoy reading about our Online Learning in the later part of this newsletter.
Kindest regards,
Edith Philipsen